beng vs. pao quan

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Re: beng vs. pao quan

Postby Quigga on Sun Aug 06, 2023 12:41 am

Yes, I was only talking to BruceP when I said that.


Re: beng vs. pao quan

Postby cloudz on Sun Aug 06, 2023 3:13 am

One or two had me scratching my head for a bit; was always pretty lame with riddles. Orange Cat :D brilliant.
Think I have them nailed, and don't think you were one of the chosen ones Quigga. FWIW

Better to think of it as Archetypical. None of us will ever fit in anyones box, not ever.

Kinda funny though; you gotta laugh at these things. if there was no truth in any of it, no one would feel the twangs of "attack", so to speak. No one is innocent and everyone's shit stinks. It's worth remembering..
So fair play to Apple Dog, water off a ducks back. If the hat fits and all that.. Being something of a veteran on MA forums, I think I've seen and heard it all by now.

Absolutely: don't give a shit what anyone thinks, ultimately. However great and good, smart and what have you. Smart and tough come with their own pitfalls.
It's a bloody fine line between critique and criticism. Not that anyone needs defending.

Want some fortune cookie wisdom? I gotcha. (you don't have a choice)

"everything is as it should be"
"you can't get it wrong"
"if its for you, it won't pass you by"

Don't confuse taking wrong turns or making mistakes with getting it wrong.
Whatever your choice or predilection, keep on trucking. Internal arts, Martial Arts, Pugilism, Chinese, Western, Philosophy, Neuroanatomy, Brazilian, CrossFit, Science, Kettlebell, Christianity, Taoism, Hermetics, Gymnastics, Pugilism, oh wait, dancing your ass off, sitting like a monk, all of the ^^^^.

Know your limits, know your strengths and weaknesses, what works for you, consult experts in a chosen field.
Don't believe it's a straight up choice of Jack of all vs. master of one.

A good all rounder is a Mastery of itself; The most important perhaps of the Classical Greeks, one I like anyway. Did they know some shit, hells yes.

Want to get somewhere?
Patience, focus, critical thinking, a guarded but open mind (and heart), listening and hearing > ...........

It's (all) for you, end of the day, no one else. Comparing is natural but fruitless, respect other peoples map(s) as far as you are able.

Above all train, and practice, learn through doing as far as possible, until no one can tell you otherwise; know what you know (and like) and F*** all else. In the nicest possible way and all due respect.

I love you all and learn from you all; when I'm in the right mood. In another mood, huh, let's not even. I would kill "that guy" if he wasn't so useful, assuming I could..

Could I be flirting with personality disorder over here, probably. Depending where you're coming at it from.
And if anyone asks deny, deny, deny. :D
Last edited by cloudz on Sun Aug 06, 2023 3:37 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: beng vs. pao quan

Postby cloudz on Sun Aug 06, 2023 3:30 am

And just one more thing..

Be ready to die.

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Re: beng vs. pao quan

Postby Appledog on Sun Aug 06, 2023 4:07 am

Well cloudz, 'whew' could mean anything, but on the topic of everyone's shit stinks, always remember.. one dog's shit is another dog's breakfast. I'm not even kidding. Even cat shit. It's like potato chips for dogs. I read that somewhere.

As for being ready to die, during eras such as Warring States and the Three Kingdoms, more than 2/3 (over 70%) of China's population were killed. Some generals were known for killing thousands of people in combat and survived. If you were not a highly trained martial artist, or protected by one, you were dead. I am sure you can imagine the profound effect repeated events like this would have on the passing down of CMA and why morality is such a big deal. Someday over tea I will tell you the ancient stories and explain why CMA is passed down how it is but until then, would that be one lump of shit or two?
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Re: beng vs. pao quan

Postby Quigga on Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:09 am

Fear of dying at all is different from fear of the way one could die. There are many unpleasant ways to die. Death itself isn't the issue, the process may be.

I wouldn't lump all shit together. Some has different consistencies and doesn't mix as well.


Re: beng vs. pao quan

Postby Quigga on Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:10 am

But why are we straying off topic again? It's 'jab vs hook', or not?


Re: beng vs. pao quan

Postby Bao on Sun Aug 06, 2023 7:22 am

origami_itto wrote:Really... this. You, Bruce, want to play yourself off as a martial artist but insist on coming at people sideways with this subliminal "mean girls" bullshit.

Like grow the fuck up.

That's an accurate advice. And now he hides like a little girl as well. LOL!

That's why I kept away and didn't engage in this "conflict", I couldn't care less about insults from classless little cowards. Let him say what he want, he is the one who embarrasses himself. :P
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Re: beng vs. pao quan

Postby Doc Stier on Sun Aug 06, 2023 9:42 am

C'mon, guys, don't be shy! Feel free to go ahead and tell everyone how you really feel about them. LoL :o ;D
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Re: beng vs. pao quan

Postby origami_itto on Sun Aug 06, 2023 12:18 pm

Doc Stier wrote:C'mon, guys, don't be shy! Feel free to go ahead and tell everyone how you really feel about them. LoL :o ;D

There's something to be said for being circumspect and slow to criticize but there's also a time to call a shovel a shovel and a dickhead a sonofabitch
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Re: beng vs. pao quan

Postby origami_itto on Sun Aug 06, 2023 12:22 pm

And I honestly like I've grown as a human being, a man, a father and husband and a martial artist in the time I've been making an ass of myself in this community. I feel sincere pity for anyone who hasn't and is still worrying the same old splintered and flavorless bone of their delusion and ego.
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Re: beng vs. pao quan

Postby BruceP on Sun Aug 06, 2023 4:26 pm

I've been referred to in vague and not-so-vague negatives here a number of times over the years. Don't see me whining about it.

Yeah, getting advice from this guy:

oragami itto wrote:So by the same token what I'm seeing is behaviors and ideas that can drag minds in the other direction. Starting from a place of compassion and unity perhaps and winding up hating people and wishing harm on them, even wishing to be the perpetrator of that harm. It's a addictive, slippery slope that represents the worst in us. And yes, I'm taking about people on your wing of the political Looney bird, etc. I'm even talking about you particularly, sometimes. I've definitely had the thought that six judiciously applied bullets could make the world a much better place, sure ... =0#p479396
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Re: beng vs. pao quan

Postby origami_itto on Sun Aug 06, 2023 5:23 pm

Don't make the mistake of taking my advice.

Trust me on this, though. If I'm talking about you, it will be obvious. If you're feeling called out by something I said that's your own guilty conscience. If I'm talking to or about you I want you to know.

I hope you find some peace.
Last edited by origami_itto on Sun Aug 06, 2023 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: beng vs. pao quan

Postby BruceP on Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:09 pm

Thinks his grandiose fantasies of murdering people for their suspected political differences is gonna cause someone else to have a guilty conscience?

Some sick, twisted thinking right there
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