Interweb Challenges!

The following typical threads that plague martial arts sites will get moved here if not just deleted: 1 - My style is better than Your style" - 2 - "Internal & External" - 3 - Personal attacks - 4 - Threads that start well, but degenerate into a spiral of nonsense.

Re: Interweb Challenges!

Postby CheapBastid on Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:58 pm

Not being a keyboard warrior (or one in real life) I've managed to avoid challenges. I've also learned that there can also be negatives to 'calling someone out'.

I recall playing push hands a few years ago with someone who claimed to be a fighter. I had my palm on his elbow and had it in a position where his bent arm across his body such that the inside of his elbow was in front of his adam’s apple (if you can visualize it). He said to me (indicating the arm I had covered) “Well, I can punch you.” In my mind I screamed “No frikkin’ way!” but I tried to be diplomatic and said “I can’t see how that would work.” He replied “Well, I’m very fast.”

Trying to keep this in the realm of debate I went on to say that I couldn’t see how he would be able to move his whole arm into position where he could punch me before I could redirect him with the palm I had on his elbow. He repeated how fast he was. Foolishly (and with more than a bit of pride and assurance in my position and skill) I indicated that I’d be willing to risk the punch to see this take place. He said that he didn’t want to hurt me. I assured him that I was willing to get hurt to see this take place.

He took a deep breath and half closed his eyes… then with a huge burst of energy he threw his whole body into the punch, launching himself away from the palm I had cupping his elbow. He went one direction and his glasses when another. When he recovered from stumbling back, he was enraged and went into a full combat stance.

I instantly realized my error and profusely apologized while carefully collecting his glasses and offering them back to him in a penitent beggar’s stance. His anger was slow to cool, and I lost the opportunity to keep playing and to play with him in the future.

Waking a sleeper gently is (in my opinion) the kinder method. A lesson I have kept in mind when meeting new folks.
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Re: Interweb Challenges!

Postby chud on Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:41 pm

I've seen a number of internet challenge videos over the years and the one thing I've learned from them is that no one wins.
Even the person who wins, ends up losing, because the whole things just stinks.
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Re: Interweb Challenges!

Postby DeusTrismegistus on Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:21 pm

I think I want to get into an internet challenge before I die. Sounds like a good things to add to the bucket list.
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Re: Interweb Challenges!

Postby Michael on Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:30 pm

Nothing you could do in an Internet challange will ever top Count Dante's raid that resulted in death by sword, or likely even come close to tranny in mason parking lot with huge bald white guy powned by small black guy from bullshido. You'd be lucky to top non-existent sticks at your feet in Far Rockaway.

IOW sorry, but it's already been done. :'( :D


Re: Interweb Challenges!

Postby lianhuan on Tue May 01, 2012 11:05 am

Hi Inner_acievement (jon?)

This is lianhuan (John Spak.) Someone told me I should check out what's going on at rsf so I did and found this thread.

Honestly, I'm getting kind of used to Meeks making stuff up about me - for some reason he seems to need that to ensure his personal growth I guess. For the most part I could give a "rats ass" about it, but when it's this close to slander I have to check in and say at least something. BTW, glad you found our rant entertaining. At least the entertainment value is a positive thing.

Whether you or not you take sides in the matter is not really my purpose in writing this. I am self-admittedly a really poor keyboard warrior. And then what are the odds of getting a fair hearing if a forum administrator (as Meeks is) starts slandering you anyway.

But for the record:
It is shocking news to me that there was ever any drama between me and any of Yang's students except for Meeks (and now Heel No Up I guess.) Everyone I knew was always very polite and friendly and I've never exchanged a single unpleasantry (ever) with any of Yang's students either face to face or otherwise - except for the afore mentioned. In fact a number of Yang's students have since become my students - and that has to say something in and of itself. But in terms of drama? Again, nothing that I'm aware of. I guess if someone says otherwise it was done behind my back and I never heard about it. That would speak volumes for the individuals involved if in fact that is even the case.

Does heel_no_up's comment sound like a polite correction to you? It doesn't to me. It's edited, but you should have read the original. Not to mention the fact that I trained seriously with Yang for about 4 years before heel_no_up even met him. Anyway, I don't want to argue about this - it's pointless.

Actually what I would like to say, is simply that if you are in the Vancouver area, you are more than welcome come and meet me in person. Who knows? You might find the martial art you are looking for, or maybe not. Judge for yourself.

You can check out what we do at:

You can check out my bio at:

We have a free public meetup where everyone is welcome almost every Sunday. Check it out at:

Last week I had someone drop in that had been studying martial arts earnestly for about ten years - the last few in mma. Before he left he very politely said, "thank so much for restoring my faith in Gong Fu." Honestly, that felt great. Those are the moments I teach for. I hope I can make everyone feel that way.

But there are a few things about my teaching style that some people have problems with too I guess:

1. I only teach people how to use punches (for example) after they are actually able to do a punch. Some people want to do advanced practice without being able to do the foundation practices first. I would find it unconscionable to teach that way - couldn't do it.

2. When people have the basics to start sparring - I sometimes get a little over-encouraged by it and give them too much pressure too soon. But I have so far, in almost 40 years of training, never caused serious harm to anyone (while training.) Fear maybe yes. And well, we had a hypochondriac train with us for a while once. None the less, I work constantly on trying to curb my enthusiasm for my students progress.

3. My focus is on unarmed, hand-to-hand self-defence. I call self-defence anything you would do to save your life. It's mostly pre-emptive mode at our school. The majority of people (as I have learned) really only want exercise, qi-gong, and forms instead of "self-defence." And even more really just want to show up and talk about training and "self-defence." I'm really not that good at the only talking thing or the non-combat thing.

So that's it. That's who I am. I have fans that follow my blogs, teaching, and video's from around the world including many from China. And I also have people like Meeks that hate everything I do as well. How could it be otherwise.

I'll stop here. Hope to meet some day. Actually, I'd like to extend that to everyone on RSF. Feel free to let me know if you're in Vancouver and you'd like to meet, talk, spar, or whatever - all in a friendly kind of way of course.

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Re: Interweb Challenges!

Postby StanTheMan on Sat May 05, 2012 8:57 am

Don't forget 'mike'... You jumped in his shit too. Only as it turned out it wasnt the other classmate you thought it was.

Oh, and kevin_wallbridge. You have a hate on for him too, because he had a slightly different opinion that went in line with the rest of the group. According to him you almost came to blows because he had a different opinion about whether internal arts were a complete waste of time (you being the externalist)...

By the sounds of things you are quick to snap at people then later act like you're very mature and everyone else is so childish. I havent met any of you but from the sidelines and reading how you interact, react, then respond, i can only guess you're dealing with a lot of anger issues in your life and are trying to make the best of things. I hope it all works out for you. The guys on ef are really cool people, and meeks seems to be a fairly straight shooter in how he deals with people. I didnt agree either with what internalenthusiast said about your old group (and I'm not the only one to see he refuses to name his connections) but meeks seems to just be one of the few that are open enough to politely address people about stuff.

Anyways, at the end of the day you're probably a really cool guy, and I support you in your martial endevours. :)
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Re: Interweb Challenges!

Postby internalenthusiast on Sat May 05, 2012 9:25 am

StanTheMan wrote: I didnt agree either with what internalenthusiast said about your old group (and I'm not the only one to see he refuses to name his connections)

i don't believe i commented on this you have me confused with someone else?
Last edited by internalenthusiast on Sat May 05, 2012 9:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Interweb Challenges!

Postby lianhuan on Sat May 05, 2012 8:19 pm

StanTheMan wrote:Don't forget 'mike'... You jumped in his shit too. Only as it turned out it wasnt the other classmate you thought it was.

Oh, and kevin_wallbridge. You have a hate on for him too, because he had a slightly different opinion that went in line with the rest of the group. According to him you almost came to blows because he had a different opinion about whether internal arts were a complete waste of time (you being the externalist)...

By the sounds of things you are quick to snap at people then later act like you're very mature and everyone else is so childish. I havent met any of you but from the sidelines and reading how you interact, react, then respond, i can only guess you're dealing with a lot of anger issues in your life and are trying to make the best of things. I hope it all works out for you. The guys on ef are really cool people, and meeks seems to be a fairly straight shooter in how he deals with people. I didnt agree either with what internalenthusiast said about your old group (and I'm not the only one to see he refuses to name his connections) but meeks seems to just be one of the few that are open enough to politely address people about stuff.

Anyways, at the end of the day you're probably a really cool guy, and I support you in your martial endevours. :)


Nope. Never had anything but good words with Mike... made the mistake of thinking heel_no_up was Mike. Sorry Mike. Actually never had a bad word with Naman face to face either until this spat with Meeks online. Never had a "hate-on" for Kevin until he entered into this spat either... he apologized for jumping the gun about it and I accepted completely - I still have no hate-on for Kevin, in fact I respect him more now. Also never came close to coming to blows with Kevin either as far as I know - probably more a figure of speech if indeed he did utter anything of the sort. I think for myself and say what I think, and admittedly, it often makes people angry.

I wouldn't have responded to your comment at all as I have absolutely no desire to continue on about this, but you made reference to some people in ways that pits me against them - I have no such thoughts or feelings and I want to make that explicitly clear. I think most people would prefer to speak for themselves anyway. Let's let them do that at their own caprice.

Thanks for the parting complement. Wishing you success in your practice as well.

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Re: Interweb Challenges!

Postby Kevin_Wallbridge on Sun May 06, 2012 1:14 pm

I wrote:

BTW, I didn't "make assertions" about your emotions, I asked questions. The assertions I have made have been about my own experiences. The nature of the "attacks" on you may actually have been less severe than your reactions. If you think you are always respectful and considerate of your contemporaries... ok, but my experience is still different. We all build the reputations that we build for reasons, not always fair reasons either. One still can ask why without it being a underhanded and scurrilous attack. Neither Dave nor I are Buddhas, yet I've never seen him just dis someone out of hand. I am certainly able to use acid in my speech and assessments of people, and its not always fair. Yet I still have the first hand experience of you being cutting, snide and dismissive to people you do not know. I experienced your negative appraisal before you knew the slightest thing about me, while you were slagging my teacher at the same time (who you now claim as such an important influence on your website).

I'm not going to kiss your ass, but you have chance to come back with something less vitriolic. Are you up to it?

Jesus John, "he apologized for jumping the gun about it"... really? You still have to frame me as having backed down and said I'm sorry? The way the above post reads you were proved correct and I humbly apologized. You really are a self-aggrandizing ass.

ps: I vote for the immediate BTDT boot and lock.
Last edited by Kevin_Wallbridge on Sun May 06, 2012 1:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Interweb Challenges!

Postby D_Glenn on Sun May 06, 2012 5:27 pm

internalenthusiast wrote:
StanTheMan wrote: I didnt agree either with what internalenthusiast said about your old group (and I'm not the only one to see he refuses to name his connections)

i don't believe i commented on this you have me confused with someone else?

I think you were confused with inner_achievement.


Lianhuan, et al,

On that topic of misunderstanding Jin or what Yang had said - I don't recall if this was brought up before but is it possible that he was using a term found in Baguazhang: 真劲 zhēnjìn [ 1 word]- "Vital energy of the body refers to the energy of life. It can be viewed as resulting from Qi, Jīng, and Shen functioning together to create the force of the body."


Last edited by D_Glenn on Sun May 06, 2012 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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